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Description: The speed elevators of modern skyscrapers are the whip of the society and paradise for perverts. A dirty clown, a serviceman, gets into an elevator and sees a pretty girl's ass in front of him. He forgets the purpose he came to the elevator and rushes onto the girl and doesn't forget to do to her everything his perverted and red-trimmed by Allah mind dictates to. But the dame doesn't lose the will for life and dwangs sometimes are kept handy for something else than tightening screws...

Description: The speed elevators of modern skyscrapers are the whip of the society and paradise for perverts. A dirty clown, a serviceman, gets into an elevator and sees a pretty girl's ass in front of him. He forgets the purpose he came to the elevator and rushes onto the girl and doesn't forget to do to her everything his perverted and red-trimmed by Allah mind dictates to. But the dame doesn't lose the will for life and dwangs sometimes are kept handy for something else than tightening screws...

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