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Description: In Russia, some men don't sleep at night. They work in the night shifts. Being on duty one may relax by reading and looking thru cheap magazines full of beauties. Yeah, these cutie pies from the gloss of covers look worse than those pale-green stiffs from the mortuary. And this makes a difference! Because, here they are, laying in metal boxes... Mute, but always ready to being fucked in any conceivable and inconceivable poses!..

Description: In Russia, some men don't sleep at night. They work in the night shifts. Being on duty one may relax by reading and looking thru cheap magazines full of beauties. Yeah, these cutie pies from the gloss of covers look worse than those pale-green stiffs from the mortuary. And this makes a difference! Because, here they are, laying in metal boxes... Mute, but always ready to being fucked in any conceivable and inconceivable poses!..

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