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Description: Linda has just romped with her boyfriend and her life is now a real wreck. She is in the garret of some old building with her gun pointed at her temple. At that very moment a strange clown turned up - he seems to be eager to save the girl... The clown happened to be a maniac, a pervert and a necrophile...

Description: Linda has just romped with her boyfriend and her life is now a real wreck. She is in the garret of some old building with her gun pointed at her temple. At that very moment a strange clown turned up - he seems to be eager to save the girl... The clown happened to be a maniac, a pervert and a necrophile... contains more than 100 000 exclusive 3d photos, flash video clips and many 3D comics. Update daily. In the base of content found mysticism, fantasy and fable. There are many daemons, witches, aliens, vampires, werewolves and other evil spirits. Also you meet and good character. For example Mermaid, Red Cap, Lara Croft, Synthya. Most of all I like the 3d comics with peculiar end. If you want open the door to another worlds, >>click>. < here<< Almost every comic has video version. Shrek is a rubbish ;-))

Description: In a village wooden sauna a man washes himself. Suddenly a naked girl appears on the sauna's threshold. She starts to humour the man in each and every possible manner and the man really gets crazy of this unexpected gift of fate! But the girtl turns out to be Vozho's bride, Vozho - being the local vampire of the Udmurt folklore, very original and very human...

Description: In a village wooden sauna a man washes himself. Suddenly a naked girl appears on the sauna's threshold. She starts to humour the man in each and every possible manner and the man really gets crazy of this unexpected gift of fate! But the girtl turns out to be Vozho's bride, Vozho - being the local vampire of the Udmurt folklore, very original and very human...

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