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Description: A man who was imprisoned for long years loses the sense of danger. What if a woman visits the cell for a while? A pretty, a soft, a hot bint, with the ass as nutmeat, with the legs as wings, with the vagina as a weel! The man doesn't fear of magic, of inhuman creatures who get out of the floor. Old spells are cast and a girl appears, and everything goes on as it should, but one should pay, anyway, for everything...

Description: A man who was imprisoned for long years loses the sense of danger. What if a woman visits the cell for a while? A pretty, a soft, a hot bint, with the ass as nutmeat, with the legs as wings, with the vagina as a weel! The man doesn't fear of magic, of inhuman creatures who get out of the floor. Old spells are cast and a girl appears, and everything goes on as it should, but one should pay, anyway, for everything...

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